

Beauty attracts the eye, Glow is the essence of beauty and Glowing skin is the result of proper care. care your skin with us perfectly. .

Scars( Keloid, burn scar, stitches scars)

Scar is a textural change of skin after replacing with fibrous tissues in process of healing of wounds.

Type of Scars

keloids, hypertrophic, acne, burn, stretch marks etc.


Fractional Laser, MNRF, Crystal..

Fine lines and Wrinkles

Fine lines and Wrinkles caused by the breakdown of collagen and elastin in the skin.Exposure of sun rays UV light breaks down the collagen and elastin fibers in the skin. These fibers form the skin's connective tissue. They are responsible for elasticity of skin due to breaking down of connective tissue the skin to become weaker and less flexible.


RF, MNRF ,Photofacial.


Warts are viral small, rough, hard growths that may appears anywhere in the. They are Caused by ‎Human papillomavirus.


Electric cauterization, RF Cutting, CO2 laser


Moles are a small, dark brown or blackish spots that caused by collections of pigmented cells. Any changes in a mole should be need to checked by a dermatologist to assess for skin cancer.


RF Cutting , CO2 laser

Tattoo Removal

Tattoos can be both permanent and temporary. Out of which, permanent tattoos are required to remove using treatments; Using laser to remove the tattoo is one of the most widely used methods for tattoo removal. Black and other dark coloured tattoos can be removed completely while lighter colours are difficult to remove. The success of the removal surgery is completely dependent on the colours used during the tattoo and how deep the ink has penetrated. Modern removal laser techniques are found to be one of the most effective techniques used by professionals for the tattoo removal and provides approximately ninety percent successful results.


Freckles may look brown, red or tan and the most exposed areas are face, neck, chest or back. Freckles are more common on the face of red-headed and poorly pigmented individuals. and are an indication of skin damage. People with light coloured skin are more prone to freckles

Aging Spots /Lentigines/

Aging spots also known as solar lentigines and liver spots are round circular spots on the skin. These spots appear when excess amount of melanin gets clumped together mostly on face. Signs may appear in single spots or clumps as well. These spots generally appear in face, back of the hands, shoulder, back and arms.


Peeling , Q switch laser


It is one of the most common skin disorders that cause discoloration on skin. It is more common in women, especially pregnant women. The most common areas of discoloration include forehead, cheeks, bridge of the nose, cheeks, forearms, shoulders etc.


Laser, Hydra facial, derma frac, Microdermabrasion, Peeling

Dark Circles

Appearance of dark circular areas under eyes could be an indication of lack of sleep, over exhaustion, allergy, reduced levels of fatty tissues around the eyes, smoking, thyroid or it could be just genetic Tiredness and aging are also other factors influencing dark circles.


Medicine, Peeling, Derma Frac

Acne Scars

Acne scars are permanent changes that occur on the skin after severe acne. These are formed when a breakout penetrates the skin deeply and damages the skin beneath it. Most common acne scars on the face are atrophic scars and dark spots. They are generally small in size still noticeable


Severe acne scars can be treated by proper consultation of a doctor or dermatologist with the process of a Micro needling RF, Laser, peeling or microdermabrasion that can help to improve the appearance of scarred areas.


Tanning of skin refers to stimulation of secretion of melanin in body. This basically or more appropriately occurs due to over exposure to the sunlight. The basic principle of tanning is the property of human body to protect skin by producing more melanin in itself to avoid any extra damage. This extra melanin secreted causes the skin to change colour and in turn results as tanning of skin.

Tanning is a temporary skin condition and can be cured by using natural remedies as well. Using potato juice, tomato, gram flour once in a week for some time can help in reduction of tanning to a significant level.


Peeling , Oxyfusion, Carbon Laser Facial


Xanthelasma are the yellow patches on the corners of the eyelids or around the eyes and is more prominently known as xanthelasma palpebrarum. These can be defined as yellow fatty deposit that forms under your skin


Peeling, Laser, Surgery

Damaged Skin

Skin being one of the most important extrinsic factors of the human body creates confidence in a person. Taking care of your own skin should be done fairly and saved from various harmful factors such as extreme sun exposure, chemicals, radiations etc. Spots, blotches and wrinkles are extreme signs of skin damage. Conditions such as actinic keratosis, wrinkles, rosacea, poikiloderma of civatte occur due to skin damage.


Microdermabrasion, MNRF, Peeling , Photo facial

Port Wine Stain

Port wine stain is a birthmark which is caused by abnormal formation of tiny blood vessels in the skin. The appearance of the port wine stain starts as pinkish reddish marks on the skin and the marks eventually gets darker with the aging

Nevus of Ota

Nevus of Ota , commonly known as oculodermal  melanosis is a benign condition which is nothing but excess of melanocytes in the eye region. This skin condition is typically present at birth but may also sometimes appear in young age.


Q switch Laser